Sharing of Necessity and Precise Poverty Alleviation
中文关键词:  共享发展  生存型共享  精准扶贫  贫者自立
English Keywords:sharing development  sharing of necessity  precise poverty alleviation  the poor independence
Fund Project:
吴双 长沙医学院 国际交流学院,湖南 长沙 410219 
廖泽安 长沙医学院 国际交流学院,湖南 长沙 410219 
摘要点击次数: 909
全文下载次数: 504
English Summary:
      The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the development thought of “people-centered”,specifying the principal contradiction of the present stage in China that “Contradiction between the people's demand for a better life and inadequate and unbalanced development”,however,the primary problem of solving unbalanced development is to implement the poverty alleviation program,and achieve the minimum level of sharing,thus building a well-off society in an all-round way. The lowest necessity share has special structure characteristics,it is not only a kind of sharing based on the lowest level and living and food,medical care,old-age security sharing,but also generally emphasizing to cover all the poor people,and highlighting the independence and sharing for the poor people. Duo to the fact that the poor can be divided into four types of “infirm family”,“low income family”,“the low-income residents supported” and “supported” ,thus forming the types of “corresponding social out”,“low income family ”,“help for low income family” and “family-supported”,and then accurate poverty alleviation results in different portfolio strategy and pattern:the early stage of eliminating poverty leading mode,the intermediate stage of poverty alleviation leading poverty alleviation leading mode and late stage of the industry. At present,China is in the stage of realizing subsistence sharing and pursuing the sharing of well-off life. Therefore,the key to promoting the sharing development is to implement the strategy of precise poverty alleviation and win the fight against poverty. Proposal centers on the demand of “providing ability and opportunity,and promoting the poor self-reliance”,building mutually beneficial symbiosis “benefit coupling mechanism”,“rights and interests safeguard mechanism” and “risk control mechanism”,and paying special attention to the industry for poverty alleviation,finally realizing the sharing of necessity.
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