An Empirical Study of Verbal Violence in Cyber Space
中文关键词:  语言暴力  网络空间  和谐语用  实证研究
English Keywords:verbal violence  cyber space  harmonious language use  empirical study
Fund Project:
郭亚东 南京审计大学 外国语学院,江苏 南京 211815 
摘要点击次数: 967
全文下载次数: 778
English Summary:
      The study, as an empirical survey, aims to present current situation of verbal violence in cyber space which largely includes linguistic forms, illocutionary force and topics. Then based on interview, the research analyzes causes of the violence and reports the negative influence on national image. It's found that, verbal violence is pervasive in cyber space; viewing from speech acts perspective, assertives occur with the highest frequency, directives and expressives follow, and commissives the lowest; and verbal violence is closely related to topics, social affairs tend to trigger it most easily, then emotional problems and gossips, the last ones are family trivials and working stuff. Finally the paper analyzes the social and individual mechanism behind the phenomenon, and attempts to provide suggestions which hopefully can contribute to construction of harmonious language use on the internet.
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