The Confucian “Rational Person”Expands the Boundary of the Hypothesis of Economics “Rational Person”
中文关键词:  儒家  经济学  理性人  拓展
English Keywords:the Confucianists  economics  rational person  expand
Fund Project:
胡少华 云南财经大学 商学院,云南 昆明 650221 
摘要点击次数: 1176
全文下载次数: 696
English Summary:
      Rationality is extricably linked with humanity. The “Goodness of Human Nature” in Confucian theory has determined that the Confucian “Rationality” puts emphasis on value judgement,which is a kind of value rationality . Christian “Evil Nature” has determined the hypothetical “Rationality” of an economic “Rational Person” focuses on utilitarian calculation,thus is rather an instrumental tool, having its limitation, for instance, two parties participate in economic activities from their respective rationality which can cause non maximal Nash Equilibrium. Even though economic contract theory is established based on the economic “Rational Person” Hypothesis, the contract itself is not sufficient enough to ensure the validity of both parties' certain right or obligation. As to ensure the parties' implementation of their right and obligation in the contract, parties should communicate with each other;Meanwhile, the contract theory should presume the validity of moral principle.The Confucian “Rational Person” has provided the moral principle which is known as the “loyal & Sincere” principle, for the economic “Rational Person” hypothesis. It has expanded the concept of the hypothesis of economic “rational person”.
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