SMART Principle to Build a Special Fund Performance Evaluation Criteria of Universities
中文关键词:  专项资金  高等学校  绩效评价  SMART原则
English Keywords:special funds  colleges and universities  performance evaluation  SMART principle
Fund Project:
陈熹 南华大学 财务处,湖南 衡阳 421001 
王致楷 南华大学 财务处,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 990
全文下载次数: 623
English Summary:
      Performance evaluation is an effective means of supervision and management of special funds, but problems of the current performance evaluation of special funds still exist such as being not standardized, not systematic, indicators being not sound and other issues, leading to its role in supervision and prevention being greatly reduced. The use of efficiency and management level of special funds still needs to be improved. This paper introduces the basic concept of SMART principle, points out some obvious problems in the application of special funds in colleges and universities, analyzes the rationality of constructing SMART special fund performance evaluation system with SMART principle, and focuses on trying to construct college specialization with SMART principle. The performance evaluation system of financial performance will be integrated into the process of formulating strict and scientific evaluation system of special fund performance of colleges and universities, which will understand the understandability, measurability, feasibility, relevance and time limit of performance.
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