On the Four Dimensions of Xi Jinping's Views on Power
中文关键词:  习近平  权力四维度  唯物史观
English Keywords:Xi Jinping  the four dimensions of power  the materialist conception of history
Fund Project:
张红艳 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
欧阳晓波 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 894
全文下载次数: 595
English Summary:
      Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,centering on the new idea,the new view and the new judgement raised from the power subject,the power value,the power exertion and the power restriction,Xi Jinping has been offering further and deeper replies.He provides further insights on the view of power subject which is mainly about that people being the subject and the root of power,and the relation between people's authorization and the party's authorization,and he also states a revelation comprehensively to the view of power value concerning the orientation of power value,the standard of power,and the power path.He deep elaborates the strict use of power,the fair use of power,and the impartial use of power.And finally he expounds clearly the view of power restriction in regard to legal constraints,moral restraints,organization control,and social supervision.The series of views on the subject,the value,the exertion and the restriction of power put forward by Xi Jinping is a complete ideological system of power and an inheritance and development towards the Marxist understanding of power.
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