肖宗志,孙蔚菁.十月革命后俄国对中国的影响 ——基于五四时期《东方杂志》载文情况的实证分析[J].,2017,(4):18-22
十月革命后俄国对中国的影响 ——基于五四时期《东方杂志》载文情况的实证分析
The Influences of Russia on China after the October Revolution
中文关键词:  东方杂志  十月革命  俄国  中国社会  影响
English Keywords:Oriental Magazine  October Revolution  Russia  Chinese society  influences
Fund Project:
肖宗志 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
孙蔚菁 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1179
全文下载次数: 849
English Summary:
      The mass media reflects the hotspots and demands of the times through its posters,reflecting social concerns and popular preferences.Thus,the mass media plays an important role in leading the trend of the times and promoting social change and development virtually.In the May 4th period,the “Oriental Magazine” continued its writing in different stylistic forms to reflect the Russian Revolution construction.These articles cover various fields of Russia and have tangible and intangible effects on Chinese society,especially the intelligentsia.From the empirical analysis,this paper makes a statistical analysis of the contents and the contents of the “Oriental Magazine” in the May 4th period,especially after the October Revolution,and expounds the influences of Russia on China after the October Revolution by combining quantitative and qualitative methods.
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