The Public Administration Reform in China and Japan after WWⅡ:Retrospection,Analysis and Enlightenment
中文关键词:  公共行政  二战  中国  日本  比较研究
English Keywords:public administration  World War II  China  Japan  comparative study
Fund Project:
王余生 武汉大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖北 武汉 430072 
摘要点击次数: 961
全文下载次数: 697
English Summary:
      The reform of public administration is the normal action for the government to enhance their ability. After World War II, there are several deep reforms taken place in both China and Japan, which reshape the image of the government and the political ecology. Examining the 70-year reform path between China and Japan from the perspective of comparative public administration, we can find the common in the motivation, target, method of reform, and the difference in the idea, path and cooperation of reform. At last, it is worth to learn the related legal system, the cooperation of government and others and supporting policies in the reform of Japan.
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