罗来文.道德的批判与建构 ——基于恩格斯《反杜林论》的原典解读[J].,2017,(3):55-61
道德的批判与建构 ——基于恩格斯《反杜林论》的原典解读
Criticism and Construction in Morality
中文关键词:  恩格斯  杜林  道德  永恒真理
English Keywords:Engels  Duhring  morality  eternal truth
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罗来文 中共中央党校 研究生院,北京 100091 
摘要点击次数: 983
全文下载次数: 579
English Summary:
      In ‘Anti-Duhring’,Engels have a deep criticism on Duhring's moralism in idealism and metaphysics,and reveals his wrong ideas about apriorism in the view of eternal morality,the ultimate truth,complete equality and absolute freedom from the three dimensions of epistemological foundations,truth premise,value principle.On this basis,Engels systematically expounds the origin,essence and basic characteristics of morality from the point of view of historical materialism and contracts the Marxist moral idea.Morality,as a norm to regulate people's behavior,is rooted in social economic relations,having class nature and historicity.Engels's moral values provide an important guidance not only for us to correctly understand the current moral situation of our country,but also for our country to strengthen the moral construction,especially to cultivate and implement the socialist core values.
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