A Comparative Study of Aristotle and Xunzi's Views of Interpersonal Difference
中文关键词:  亚里士多德  荀子  不平等观  差异
English Keywords:Aristotle  Xunzi  inequality  difference
Fund Project:
张昊雷 湖南师范大学 公共管理学院,湖南 长沙 410006 
摘要点击次数: 969
全文下载次数: 694
English Summary:
      Both Aristotle and Xunzi think there is a difference between people,but Aristotle and Xunzi have different views about the reason of the difference .Aristotle emphasizes the innate differences,while Xunzi thinks the reason for the difference is that people's efforts are different in the process of learning benevolence,righteousness,manners,wisdom and credit. This difference has a great influence on the history of the East and the West ,and caused a lot of differences between the East and the west in many ways, such as political system and the way of thinking .Through the analysis of the differences between the two different views and their respective advantages and disadvantages,it is conducive to better promote exchanges and cooperation between the East and the west.
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