Research on the Internet Plus Transformation of Traditional Snack Enterprise
中文关键词:  传统小吃  “互联网+”  转型  符号资本
English Keywords:traditional snacks  Internet plus  transformation  symbolic capital
Fund Project:
唐秋鸿 广西大学 商学院,广西 南宁 530004 
张天洋 广西大学 商学院,广西 南宁 530004 
摘要点击次数: 989
全文下载次数: 625
English Summary:
      In the Internet plus era, traditional snack industry has great market potential. How to solve the problems of traditional snack industry, make full use of the advantages of Internet and the industry, is the core issue to face in the practice of traditional snacks business Internet plus transformation. Based on Bourdieus capital theory,this paper takes a famous traditional snack brand in Guangxi as the research object,by analyzing the accumulation process and mechanism of economic capital,social capital,cultural capital and symbolic capital in the process of Internet plus transformation of traditional snack enterprises,put forward the concrete practice path of transformation. In this paper, the traditional Internet plus transformation research, which focuses on the Business management perspective, is directed into the field of sociology, and the theoretical field of view of the existing research is expanded, which is helpful to deeply analyze the critical stages and essence of the Internet plus transformation process, so as to provide theoretical guidance for enterprise transformation.
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