The Division of Global Value and the Two Level Structural Reproduction
中文关键词:  全球分工  资本主义体系  技术结构  留守儿童  结构性再生产
English Keywords:global division of labor capitalist system  technical structure  left behind children  structural reproduction
Fund Project:
吕程平 清华大学 社会科学学院,北京 100000 
白亚丽 清华大学 社会科学学院,北京 100000 
摘要点击次数: 979
全文下载次数: 506
English Summary:
      From the perspective of global technology-value monopoly,the paper explains the internal mechanism of capitalism structural reproduction, describes the inner power factor of the global production system with the international IT industry as the representative, and the labor control, resource allocation and benefit distribution system, combined with the specific cause of social consequences, and remodeling of social structure. Such a technical system of structural division of labor, has a strong ability of self-construction and replication. It controls the social group's position in the global division of labor through the control of the value and social resources in the global scope. In this paper, the technology of modular monopoly as the core of the profit sharing mechanism, through the global allocation of social resources, achieves the global allocation of human viability. In other words, by blocking the dynamic development ability of low skilled labor at the level of individual career and the rising level of generation, it has formed a lock in the production capacity and value sharing mechanism. If the capitalist world system is considered as a giant system, one of its basic attributes is to maintain the original configuration-a balance of matter and energy. When a certain unit of the interior appears to deviate from the trend of the original structure, the other components will maintain the integrity of the structure by changing its own path and so on. This is the meaning of “structural reproduction”.
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