A Study of the Relevance between Aging and Language Use in May Sarton's Journals
中文关键词:  梅·萨藤  语言使用  衰老  LIWC  老年成长
English Keywords:May Sarton  language use  aging  LIWC  old age growth
Fund Project:
刘伯茹 浙江农林大学 暨阳学院,浙江 诸暨 311800 
摘要点击次数: 866
全文下载次数: 540
English Summary:
      People's aging is closely related to their use of language.Based on the statistical results of LIWC software,this paper analyzes 7 dimensions of language use in the eight journals by May Sarton from age 57 to 82,exploring whether or how her language use varies with age and the underlying reasons.The results suggest that age has greater influence on Sarton's use of self-reference,social words,negative affect words,articles and words of more than 6 letters,but no obvious influence is found on her use of positive affect words and cognitive words.The reasons for her change of language use may be that the extent of her self-focus,the demand for social interaction,her emotional needs,her other life focuses and the extent of her categorical thinking have changed with age.
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