邓天中.面对衰老文学何为 ——文学老年学与衰老创痛[J].,2017,(2):29-40
面对衰老文学何为 ——文学老年学与衰老创痛
Literary Approaches to Old Age and Aging
中文关键词:  文学老年学  衰老创痛  年龄研究  意义意志
English Keywords:literary gerontology  aging trauma  age study  will to meaning
Fund Project:
邓天中 杭州师范大学 外国语学院,浙江 杭州 311121 
摘要点击次数: 991
全文下载次数: 649
English Summary:
      With the accelerated pace of global aging,literary gerontology has come to the fore to address the subject of aging in a systematic way,coping with aging mechanism,criticism,trying to come up with measures to enhance care for the elders,especially the meaning of life in old age.This study starts with a brief review of what literary gerontology has achieved so far,with a discussion on its biased feminist orientations,lack of theoretical and disciplinary construction.After a brief analysis on the contemporary literary descriptions of the relationship between aging and death,incontinence,infantalization,and the costs of old age,it argues that the elderly have been largely treated as passive objects,and that aging salvation lies in the active quest for the meaning of quality life at a lower cost.
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