陈乃新,季任天.经济法促进共享经济发展的正能量解析 ——经济法调整以劳动力为客体的经济关系的探索[J].,2017,(2):10-15
经济法促进共享经济发展的正能量解析 ——经济法调整以劳动力为客体的经济关系的探索
The Positive Energy Analysis of the Economic Law Promoting Shared Economic Development
中文关键词:  经济关系  经济法  新发展理念  市场决定资源配置
English Keywords:economic relations  Economic Law  the new development principle  market allocation of resources
Fund Project:
陈乃新 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
季任天 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 1174
全文下载次数: 612
English Summary:
      The Economic Law adjusting a special economic relationship has been realized.But what the special economic relationship is,will it make sure like adjusting property relation in Civil Law?It is generally believed that Economic Law arranges the state based on the overall interests to interfere and manage the economic activities or regulate social economic relationship,but it's hard to make sure in logic.The Economic Law become the form of law to let the government know how to arrange the source,it cannot satisfy the ever-development in society.Now China is implementing a market economy that determines the allocation of resources to the market.It also puts forward a new development conception of innovation,coordination,greening,openning and sharing.The specific economic relations regulated by the economic law,actually is the object of labor force in economic relations.It protects the right of labor force,which the importance is like properties' rights in civil law and commercial law.And it can generate great positive energy in the economic development and promote the realization of the conception of sharing development.
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