Significance Analysis of Dialects in Vernacular Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties
中文关键词:  方言  吴语  明清话本
English Keywords:dialect  the Wu dialect  vernacular novel of Ming and Qing dynasties
Fund Project:
蓝勇辉 南开大学 文学院,天津 300071 
摘要点击次数: 1335
全文下载次数: 648
English Summary:
      Dialects is an extremely important literature phenomenon in Ming and Qing dynasties' vernacular novels,which have narrative significance,linguistics significance and sociology significance etc.The academicians focus on saga novels while they study relationships between dialects and the novels at the present. Linguistic academicians focus on vernacular novels' dialects but are mainly based on language angle, therefore it is very important to reveal the significances of dialect to Ming and Qing dynasties' vernacular novels from the point of view of literature. The first part of this article mainly discusses the self-consciousness of dialects about the novelists and their specific performance in Ming and Qing dynasties. The second part of this article mainly analyses dialects' function in portray characters, form plot and emphasizing the reality and presence in novels' scene from narratology angle. The third part of this article discusses the dialects as the language vocabulary, which reflects the various social phenomenon.
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