The Question, Reflection and Solution of System of Job Responsibility of Presiding Judges under the Background of Judicial Reform
中文关键词:  司法改革  主审法官责任制  刑事案件
English Keywords:judicial reform  presiding judges' responsibility system  criminal cases
Fund Project:
陈建华 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 1261
全文下载次数: 665
English Summary:
      Speaking of the three criminal cases whose responsibility shall be undertaken by presiding judges of criminal cases occurred recently, it has been proposed why the presiding judges have to undertake responsibilities, what responsibilities shall be undertaken by the presiding judges and whether there is the remedy procedures or not and so on. In order to make the presiding judges of criminal cases undertake the responsibilities, it has been found out by reflection that it is difficult to demarcate responsibility and misjudged case in definition; and there is inconsistency between that the presiding judges are not the real subject of responsibility and the standards to determine the misjudged case. In order to make the presiding judges of the criminal cases really undertake the responsibilities, it has been put forward that three principles, i.e. presiding judges' responsibility legitimate principle, presiding judges' responsibility exemption principle and the principle to protect the investigated presiding judges' rights and interests shall be established. In specific construction, the premise to determine the presiding judges' responsibility investigation is that the judges must be independent. The liability attribution grounds to investigate the presiding judges' responsibility shall take the improper behavior of the presiding judges as the main body and the investigation of misjudged cases as the auxiliary body. Besides, the presiding judges' responsibility investigation main body and investigation procedure shall be established and perfected.
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