The Application of the Theory of Information Network Crime
中文关键词:  信息网络犯罪  网络服务提供者  预备行为  帮助行为  溯及力
English Keywords:information network crime  internet service provider  preparatory behavior  helping behavior  retroactivity
Fund Project:
陈结淼 安徽大学 法学院,安徽 合肥 230601 
董杰 安徽大学 法学院,安徽 合肥 230601 
摘要点击次数: 1221
全文下载次数: 712
      刑法修正案(九)》针对信息网络新增设了3个罪名,信息网络犯罪相比较普通的犯罪有着自身的特殊性,网络 “虚拟空间”成为犯罪的对象。第286条中的网络服务提供者应当限定为网络服务提供商(ISP)。 “拒不履行和拒不改正”应当要求有严重情节;第287条之一规定的非法利用信息网络罪的实行行为是预备型实行行为,不是帮助型实行行为;第287条之二中的 “明知”不需要以行为人之间具有意思联络为条件,具有独立性。“帮助”行为是有限的帮助犯的正犯化;虽然是新增设的罪名,新增 “三罪”的溯及力并非一律不可适用。
English Summary:
      Criminal Law Amendment (ninth)” for the information network added three new charges, information network crime compared to ordinary crime has its own particularity, the network “virtual space” has become the object of crime. The internet service provider in Article 286 shall be limited to internet service provider (ISP). “The refusal to perform and refusal to correct” should be required to have serious circumstances; Article 287 of the provisions of the illegal use of information network crime is a preparatory type of conduct, not a helping practice; The “knowingly” in Article 287 does not require conditions of meaningful liaison between the perpetrators, which is independent. “Help behavior” is limited to help commit crime; Although it is the new charges, the retroactivity of the new “three crimes” is not always inapplicable.
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