On Mao Zedong's Criticism about the Closed Doorism in Wayaobu Meeting of Party Activists
中文关键词:  中国共产党  毛泽东  瓦窑堡会议  关门主义  批评
English Keywords:the Communist Party of China  Mao Zedong  Wayaobu meeting  closed- doorism  criticism
Fund Project:
文建龙 同济大学 马克思主义学院,上海 200092 
摘要点击次数: 1227
全文下载次数: 660
English Summary:
      In the meeting of Wayaobu party activists, Mao Zedong caught the closed doorism wrong and made a strong criticism against the party's closed doorism. He embodied the superb art criticism in criticizing closed doorism:He was good at leading to object of criticism from the strategy task and the task of the Party, he was good at applying the method of comparative to criticize and transform the closed doorism doctriners , he was good at pointing out the strategy immaturity of closed doorism doctriners from the height of Marx Lenin's theory, and he was good at achieving the purpose of guiding people to support the national revolutionary united front through analyzing traitorous essence of closed doorism doctriners’strategies. His criticism had a positive historical significance to the cause of China's Anti Japanese war.
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