Some Issues Related to the Founding of the Communist Group of Changsha
中文关键词:  中国共产党  长沙早期组织  上海发起组  毛泽东
English Keywords:The Communist Party of China  the founding of the communist group of Changsha  The founding of the communist group of Shanghai  MAO Zedong
Fund Project:
黄爱军 安徽财经大学 历史文化研究所,安徽 蚌埠 233030 
摘要点击次数: 1226
全文下载次数: 596
English Summary:
      The existence of early organization in Changsha should be an indisputable fact, which can be confirmed by the historical documents and the memoirs of the participants. Changsha was designated to be one of the key areas to develop after the Shanghai group being launched. Mao Zedong is the main contact in Changsha. During the time when PRC was initiated in Shanghai, Mao Zedong had had many meetings with Chen Duxiu in Shanghai. This should be an important aspect of the Shanghai-initiated group's creation. Mao Zedong took part in the creation of the Shanghai-based group and had the task of organizing the party in Changsha, Mao joined the party time in June, 1920. Mao established a reading club and a Marxist research club when he returned to Changsha, Changsha early organization was established in August, 1920.
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