On Engels' Thought of Scientific and Technological Innovation in the 1840s
中文关键词:  恩格斯  科技创新  创新驱动  以人为本
English Keywords:Engels  scientific and technological innovation  innovation driven  people-oriented
Fund Project:
雷石山 湖南科技大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 湘潭 411201 
摘要点击次数: 1182
全文下载次数: 807
English Summary:
      In the 1840s, Engels elucidated rich thought of scientific and technological innovation. In Engels' opinion, scientific and technological innovation is pushing ahead fast with a never-ending race. He considered social demand,free competition and labor struggle were the driving force of scientific and technological innovation. He also believed scientific and technological innovation has not only produced many positive effects, but also brought negative influence. Although Engels' thought of scientific and technological innovation in the 1840s was still in the early stage of its formation and development,its brilliant exposition and insight still has important guiding significance today,which inspires us that we must enhance the ability of independent innovation, and scientific and technological innovation should be closely combined with the needs of economic and social development, and adhere to the people-oriented value orientation.
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