On the Reasons Why Marxist Theory of the State is Shielded
中文关键词:  马克思主义  国家理论  跨越式批判  人的解放  经济决定论
English Keywords:marxism  state theory  leaping criticism  human liberation  economic determinism
Fund Project:
吴建永 天津师范大学 马克思主义学院,天津 300387 
摘要点击次数: 1382
全文下载次数: 900
English Summary:
      The study of the state is not only the starting point of Marx and Engels on the academic stage, but also the purpose throughout the life course of two people. However, for a long time, Marx's theory of state did not get the attention they deserve, its systematic research has not made any substantial progress. The reasons why Marxist theory of the state is shielede mainly lie in four aspects:the lack of theoretical construction, especially the systematic, independent political writings; because of the “economic determinism”, some scholars ignoring systematic study of the superstructure; over-interpretation of the Marxist “human liberation” theory, ignoring the realization of “political liberation”; as the representative of the socialist countries, the Soviet Union dogmatizing and demonizing the Marxist state theory in the political practice and the “authoritative interpretation”.
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