Thick Translation of Chinese Medical Philosophy in Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine
中文关键词:  阐释人类学  深度描写  中医翻译  黄帝内经  深度翻译
English Keywords:interpretive anthropology  thick description  chinese medicine translation  yellow emperor’s canon of medicine  thick translation
Fund Project:
刘晓云 南华大学 外国语学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1113
全文下载次数: 831
English Summary:
      Thick Translation was derived from the concept of Thick Description in Interpretive Anthropology. It has great significance in translation of ancient Chinese medical classics. With the enlightenment of previous research, this essay concludes the following medical philosophic ideas:the philosophy of Unification, Dialectics, Yin Yang and Wu Xing from the cultural treasure of Chinese medicine, Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine. By comparative research of different translation versions of Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine, the author thinks Professor Li Zhaoguo well employed the strategy of Thick Translation and transmitted the unique Chinese culture of medical philosophy in his version.
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