The Silence and Blossom of Vanguard literature
中文关键词:  先锋派  第九届茅盾文学奖  沉寂与绽放
English Keywords:Vanguard literature  the Ninth MAO-dun Prize for Literature  silence and blossom
Fund Project:
覃新菊 吉首大学 文学院,湖南 吉首 416000 
刘衍永 吉首大学 文学院,湖南 吉首 416000 
摘要点击次数: 1259
全文下载次数: 652
English Summary:
      Vanguard literature has followed a tortuous road over the past thirty years. It had a grand appearance with western nourishes in the mid of 1980s, then it felled into silence and transformed under the powerful external forces and their own criticism in early 1990s. Over the years, it insisted on developing ,exploring, making innovation in reality. Finally it had a big blossom in the Nobel Prize, LU awards and MAO awards. This process indicates the nature of the development of literature :If Vanguard literature turned the pen at the foot of the earth, asking questions into people's spirit, combined with the real situation in China, and went through all the sinks and hones, it would burst out astonishing charm, strength and influence.
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