On the Philosophical Dimensions of the July 1st Speech Delivered by President Xi Jinping
中文关键词:  习近平  七一讲话  哲学向度
English Keywords:President Xi Jinping  The July 1st Speech  philosophical dimensions
Fund Project:
尹江铖 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
周晓阳 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1224
全文下载次数: 665
English Summary:
      The July 1st Speech delivered by President Xi Jinping contains profound philosophical thoughts, and demonstrates three philosophical dimensions (practice, truth and value). In the speech, the scientific thesis of “three leaps” highly summarizes that CPC brings changes of practice objects in leading people in Chinese revolution, construction and reform. As the scientific conclusion of the past experience, “three must insist without hesitation” demonstrate the scientific true. The requirements of “Eight stay true to its mission and keep moving forward” demonstrate profound theoretical and practical values. The July 1st Speech achieves organic unity of true and value on the basis of people’s practice views, and ultimately directs to the comprehensive social and human development.
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