The Concept of Legal Reasoning
中文关键词:  法律推理  制度实践  法律事实  法律规范
English Keywords:legal reasoning  institutional practice  legal norms  legal facts
Fund Project:
张民全 中国政法大学 2011计划司法文明协同创新中心,北京 100088 
摘要点击次数: 1006
全文下载次数: 698
English Summary:
      The concepts of legal reasoning can be roughly divided into three categories, which are all too narrow, because they all misunderstand the nature of legal reasoning. Legal reasoning is a kind of thinking activity on its nature, rather than an authoritative institutional practice. It includes the discovery and identification of legal facts, the acquisition and justification of legal norms, and the inference of the legal conclusions according to the legal facts and legal norms. According to this, legal reasoning can be defined as a kind of thinking activity, in which people solve a legal problem, discover and identify the legal facts by using the information such as evidence and adjusting to the legal norms, acquest and justify the legal norms, and infer the legal conclusions according to the legal facts and legal norms.
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