Studying on the Justice of Russell's View on Nuclear War
中文关键词:  罗素  核战争  程序正义  人权正义  分配正义
English Keywords:Russell  nuclear war  procedural justice  human rights justice  distributive justice
Fund Project:
谢佛荣 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
罗成翼 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1395
全文下载次数: 717
English Summary:
      Justice is an important goal of human, the Russell nuclear war from the view of theory of justice, make us realize that the justice thought of the Russell nuclear war:one is the reflection on the concept of procedural justice thought, he explores to avoid nuclear war broke out a reasonable and fair things and solution procedures; two is the embodiment of human rights justice thought, life and safety of human rights as an important part of human rights, Russell tries to explore the measures and methods to solve the nuclear war from destruction and harm to human survival and security protection of basic rights, which embodies the theory of human rights and justice ideology, shows his emphasis on the most basic human values and dignity three; embodies the thought of distributive justice, based on his research on human rights justice thought, further implies his inquiry of every human being in existence and Equal distribution of the right to security, from the exploration of the distribution of human rights of life expectancy of human beings to equal access to the most basic human rights of survival and security.
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