陈润羊.“一带一路”背景下中国核电走出去的战略探讨——基于SWOT PEST模型的系统分析[J].,2016,17(5):5-13
“一带一路”背景下中国核电走出去的战略探讨——基于SWOT PEST模型的系统分析
Discussion on the Strategy of Chinese Nuclear Power Going Out Under the Background of “One Belt and One Road”
中文关键词:  中国核电  走出去  一带一路  能源合作  核产业
English Keywords:Chinese nuclear power  going out strategy  one belt and one road  energy cooperation  nuclear industry
Fund Project:
陈润羊 兰州财经大学 甘肃商务发展研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730020 
摘要点击次数: 1384
全文下载次数: 677
English Summary:
      Chinese nuclear power going out has risen to the national strategy, however, it has not only internal strengths and weaknesses, but also the external opportunities and threats. With Chinese nuclear power going out as the goal, we can see from four influencing factors, the political, economic, social and technology factor combined with the SWOT tools to analyse the Chinese nuclear power comprehensively and deeply. On this basis, we put forward the strategy of Chinese nuclear power going out:with support of “one belt and one road” ,to increase the financing support, and promote the nuclear power going out actively; To study on the situation of the market and areas, prevent the risk of investment, and have the efforts to develop new nuclear power market; To seize strategic opportunities, enhance the capacity of export, and promote the integration of nuclear power exports and livelihood projects; To learn from the international experiences, integrate the domestic resources and deepen the international cooperation in the international market.
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