聂子楠.理性与情感的冲突:哈代作品中的理性主义[J].,2016,17(4):105-110 |
理性与情感的冲突:哈代作品中的理性主义 |
Critical Confliction between Reason and Emotion:On the Rationalism in Hardys Works |
投稿时间:2016-05-19 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 哈代 主题 感性 理性 |
English Keywords:Thomas Hardy theme rationality emotion |
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摘要点击次数: 1115 |
全文下载次数: 726 |
中文摘要: |
小说家哈代用他的作品来思考社会和人生,用小说的形式阐述他那个时代的哲学议题。维多利亚时期是理性与信仰交织的时代,哈代的创作深受其时代影响,加之作家本人接受过神学和宗教学教育,因此几乎他的每一部小说都是对人类理性的召唤。其小说主人公的悲剧根源多是来自于人类天然的冲动和感性的执迷。用理性节制冲动,用仁爱克服感性既是那个时代的主旋律,也是哈代作品中贯彻始终的主题。 |
English Summary: |
Thomas Hardy's deep thinking about society and life in his novels often has many possibility of explanation. Nevertheless, all these works faithfully record and reflect the human nature. The cause of his characters' tragedy does not lie in outside factors, such as environment or society in general, but the defects of humanness, the emotion and impulse. To face the malady of the time, Hardy advocates an approach to overcome impulse with rationality, to overcome emotion with loving kindness. In this respect, Hardy is truly a writer upholding rationalism. |
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