Jude the Obscure:An Exposure of the Repressive Nature of the Ideological State Apparatuses in the Western Society
中文关键词:  哈代  意识形态国家机器  基督教会  高等教育  婚姻制度
English Keywords:Thomas Hardy  ideological state apparatuses  Christian Church  higher education  marriage system
Fund Project:
孙宏 中国人民大学 外国语学院, 北京 110034 
摘要点击次数: 1027
全文下载次数: 711
English Summary:
      An analysis of Hardy's last novel, Jude the Obscure, from the perspective of Neo-Marxism shows his deep reflection on the capitalist society. Althusser holds that the system of religion, education, and family are all ideological state apparatuses, whose function is simply “securing the reproduction of relations of production.” In Jude the Obscure, what Hardy mercilessly attacks are exactly Christian church, higher education, marriage system and other major pillars of Western society. Hardy's experience in construction industry gives him a unique perspective and enables him to look at these areas of the superstructure from an architectural point of view. With its dual role of Church and higher education, Christminster is “the city of light” Jude is longing for, but that institution with its Gothic architecture turns out to be an authentic castle of darkness that shuts him out. Due to his cohabitation with his cousin, which is seen as an immoral offense against the Western society's marriage system, they suffer relentless persecution. Jude finally died in the darkness, an ending which coincides with the termination of Hardy's career in novel creation and marks both his and his protagonist's ultimate rejection of the ideological state apparatuses of the capitalist society.
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