Problems and Suggestions on the Application of Criminal Reconciliations
中文关键词:  刑事和解  公诉案件  法律适用  主导机关
English Keywords:Criminal Reconciliation  Public Prosecution Case  Problem of Application  Leading Agency
Fund Project:
田源 中国政法大学 “2011计划”司法文明协同创新中心 北京 100088 
摘要点击次数: 945
全文下载次数: 634
English Summary:
      An analysis of District M's public prosecution cases demonstrates that, cases in which criminal reconciliations could be applied but not have gotten a high percentage, whereas the percentage of successful application is very low, and the type of cases applying criminal reconciliations is single. This situation are caused by four reasons, the leading agency in criminal reconciliations is blurred, the legal norms about criminal reconciliations are not rigorous, the rule of law hasn't gotten a sound foundation, and there is mistake in people's understanding of criminal reconciliations. Hence, following measures should be carried out to make the application of criminal reconciliations better:determining courts as the unique leading agency, refining the suitable scope that criminal reconciliations can be applied, establishing a new model in which both courts and litigants can start a criminal reconciliation, formulating the applying process more detailed, and making criminal reconciliations as essential elements in the measurement of penalty.
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