On the Influence of Centralized Payment by the National Treasury on Capital Settlement of Colleges and Universities
中文关键词:  高校  国库集中支付  资金结算  效率高校
English Keywords:colleges and universities  centralized payment by the national treasury  capital settlement  efficiency
Fund Project:
邓琼 湘潭大学 公共管理学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 978
全文下载次数: 604
English Summary:
      The centralized payment system of the national treasury has changed the mode of management, payment and supervision of the fiscal funds of colleges and universities. The unbalanced reform of the finance of the national treasury has led to a series difficulties in the capital settlement of colleges and universities. As the foundation of an overall capital arrangement was destroyed and its financing function greatly weakened, there was an evident decline in its settling efficiency and quality. Therefore, a corresponding settling system should be established to support the reform of the centralized payment through the national treasury. The operation mode of capital settlement should be transformed, the function of the clearing department should be repositioned, the orientation of its cooperation with banks be adjusted, the proportion of equity funds be increased and participants' policy comprehension and professional competence be enhanced.
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