Deng Xiaoping's View on Talent Resource and Its Values
中文关键词:  邓小平人学  人才思想  价值研究
English Keywords:Deng Xiaoping's humanology  thoughts on talents  value research
Fund Project:
杨尚昆 华南农业大学 珠江学院,广东 广州510900 
傅华丽 华南农业大学 珠江学院,广东 广州510900 
摘要点击次数: 1225
全文下载次数: 613
English Summary:
      To address the concerns of man is the basic position of Marxist humanology, and to attach importance to the value of man is the basic standpoint of Marxist humanology. Deng Xiaoping has long underlined the importance of talent resource, and his unique thoughts on talent is in conformity with the time and has a style of its own. In Deng's thinking, talents are the strategic demands in the development of a country, and the criteria for making proper use of personnel, which are the basic contents of it, are his political considerations. The series of Deng's viewpoints on the establishment of the talent resource system, which is creative and instructional, has become a boundary marker of the time. It has become the theoretical source of both Jiang Zemin's strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and Hu Jintao's strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development, and it has also become the reference of Xi Jinping's thoughts of upholding and treasuring the talents.
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