Mao Zedong and the Cultivation of Fine Style of the People's Army
中文关键词:  毛泽东  人民军队  优良作风  培育
English Keywords:Mao Zedong  the people's army  fine style  cultivation
Fund Project:
袁新涛 军事科学院 军队政治工作研究中心,北京 100091 
摘要点击次数: 1454
全文下载次数: 663
English Summary:
      Mao Zedong in the leadership of the people's army for a long period of revolution and construction practice, always attached great importance to cultivate fine style of the people's army, and gradually formed a set of fine style, such as three main rules of discipline and eight points of attention, hard struggle, brave indomitable and not afraid of sacrifice, three democracies, etc. Strictly observing three main rules of discipline and eight points of attention, promoted the unity of officers and men, the unity of army and people, troops highly centralized and unified. Carrying forward the spirit of hard struggle, successfully completed the twenty-five thousand mile Long March, done it yourself and had ample food and clothing. Tempering troops brave and indomitable fighting spirit of sacrifice, defeated the Japanese invaders, and captured the victory of National Liberation War. Implementing political, economic, military three democracies, established a new type of relationship between officers and men, and increased combat effectiveness of troops. These fine style of the people's army carefully cultivated by Mao Zedong, ensured the party's absolute leadership over the army, maintained the nature, aim and character of the people's army, and realized our army from small to big, from weak to strong, from victory to victory.
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