中文关键词:  现代性  乡土小说  发端  变调  转型
English Keywords:modernity  local novel  initiation  modulation  transformation
Fund Project:
谷显明 湖南科技学院 人文与社会科学学院, 湖南 永州 425199 
摘要点击次数: 1155
全文下载次数: 1199
English Summary:
      The writing about Local has always been a basic motif in literature. The development and evolvement of Chinese local novel has roughly undergone three stages since 1920s. The 1st stage starts from May 4th Movement to 1930s. In this period with the elicitation of Lu Xun's thought of Remolding Chinese National Character, China's first school of novel--the Local Novel School emerged. The 2nd stage starting from 1940s to the mid-late 1970s was the modulation phase of local novel. During this phase, owing to the standardization of Yan'an Speech, the local novel in liberated areas after the establishment of PRC gradually followed the road of Countryside Theme Novel. The 3rd stage starting from the late 1970s to the beginning of the new century was the transformation period of local novel. Local novel in this phase extricated the political chains on literature, returned to the aesthetic aims of local literature and demonstrated a trend of diversified development in the new century.
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