The Occurrence of Vernacular Movement in the Late Qing Dynasty
中文关键词:  晚清  言说主体  白话文运动  农民运动
English Keywords:Late Qing Dynasty  speech subject  vernacular movement  peasant movement
Fund Project:
胡用琼 南华大学 文法学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
刘玉芳 南华大学 文法学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1051
全文下载次数: 731
English Summary:
      The Vernacular Movement of late Qing Dynasty was the language revolution in the political crisis and the national crisis. We trace the origin of the vernacular movement, the Open-minded bureaucratic awared the need to change the language,which is the official identity and strategy of the vernacular; The input of the missionaries' western grammar, and the word supplement the resources of the modern vernacular language. The peasant movement of late Qing Dynasty promote the vernacular from the thought, the revolutionary action, and to promote the vernacular and anti feudalism together. They made a strong foundation for Vernacular Movement in the late Qing Dynasty, which were support force of The official position and the folk position on Modern Chinese vernacular movement.
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