On Non-custodial Penalty of Juvenile Delinquent Applicable in China
中文关键词:  未成年人  犯罪  非监禁刑  适用价值
English Keywords:juveniles  crime  non-custodial penalty  applicable value
Fund Project:
向准 中国政法大学 刑事司法学院, 北京 100088 
摘要点击次数: 1068
全文下载次数: 633
English Summary:
      Juvenile crime phenomenon has aroused attention since emenging. In our country, how to control and prevent juvenile crime has always been the goal of criminal theory and the task of practice. To juvenile crimes, China has consistently adhered to education, supplemented by punishment of criminal policy, and pays high attention to correction and help. At present, the juvenile criminal non-custodial penalty has been widely used in the world. It also exists in our country, but there are still problems such as single species, specific operation inconvenience, lagging supervision and the lack of special non-custodial penalty system, etc. Therefore, before the specific application of non-custodial sentence improvement should be made to further solve the existing problems. At the same time, to moderately expand the use of juvenile offenders non-custodial penalty also has a certain value.
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