The Position,Defects and Improvement of Legal Nature in administrative offense
中文关键词:  行政犯    法定犯    法律性质
English Keywords:administrative crine  naturla crime  legal nature
Fund Project:
张祥宇 中国政法大学 刑事司法学院,北京100088 
摘要点击次数: 1082
全文下载次数: 863
English Summary:
      The main difference of the administrative crime and the traditional natural crime lies in its cross areas involving administrative regulation to criminal law regulation.Made from the constitutive requirements of administrative crime and its legal responsibility,the content of its research is the administrative crime and criminal responsibility,the way of its regulation should be determined to criminal regulation.At present, more defect in exists the theory of administrative crime, the cognizance of administrative crime need to combine with administrative rules and regulations.Such a situation leads to violate the principle of legality when identifying the administrative crime in the judicial process,however the way of solving the defect is to make vague law explicit.Such measures are conducive not only to the judicial application of administrative offense,but also to promoting good convergence between administrative rules and criminal regulation.
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