Reasonable Regulation of Abstract Dangerous Crime Under the Risk Criminal Law Theory
中文关键词:  风险刑法    抽象危险犯    谦抑主义    允许的危险    责任主义
English Keywords:the risk of criminal law  abstract dangerous crime  modesty and restrain  dangerous permitted  liability doctrine
Fund Project:
刘绍彬 兰州大学 法学院,甘肃 兰州 730000 
张晓伟 兰州大学 法学院,甘肃 兰州 730000 
摘要点击次数: 1156
全文下载次数: 680
English Summary:
      In criminal law field, the theory of risk criminal law is presented with the risk social theory, which is significantly characterized by punishment in the early stage with the intention of preventing risk. However, under the theoretical background of risk criminal law , there is the proposition of expansion of abstractly dangerous crime offender. Although it seems that both law has a relationship of theoretical support, in fact, each has its own independent social basis, which shows a high degree of fitness. Therefore, as the most severe sanction, criminal law should regard modesty as its spirit so that its status of security law can not be shaken. At the same time, we can not deny the increase of social risk, but we cannot blindly expand the punishment of abstract dangerous criminal and should have a rational and calm attitude. From the practical point of view, taking the perspective of the protection of people's interests in criminal law into consideration, we try to solve practical problems in our country by coordinating national conditions with the theory. Furthermore, we will timely and appropriately affirm the unique value and function of abstract dangerous criminals in criminals law and reasonably regulate them.
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