Theoretical Logic of the Road Confidence:The Scientific Socialism as an Enlightenment to Human Society
中文关键词:  历史迷雾    启蒙运动    科学社会主义    道路自信
English Keywords:historical mist  enlightenment movement  scientific socialism  road confidence《
Fund Project:
尉迟光斌 中国社会科学院 马克思主义学院,北京 100732 
摘要点击次数: 1134
全文下载次数: 869
English Summary:
      The way of human development to some extent depends on perception of human society.The views of morality, God, and Utopian socialism represent this effort,but end up in the historical mist. The Enlightenment Movement tried building a kingdom of ration and justice by dispelling the feudal and divine autocracy, which turned out to be an ironic picture, because of the enlightenment merely focused on individuals' idea. It is the scientific socialism that manifests a real enlightenment for correct perception of the human development law due to its foothold lain in socialized human beings and strongly believes individual's liberation can not come true without liberating the whole world. The socialist road with Chinese characteristics, taking the scientific socialism as its theoretic logic that interprets the human societal enlightenment, shoulder the mission of exploring the future of human development, which is of great significance and responsibility.
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