On the Basis of Global Governance:Nuclear Terrorism and its Prevention and Governance
中文关键词:  核恐怖主义    核威慑    核扩散    全球治理
English Keywords:terrorism  nuclear terrorism  nuclear proliferation  global governance
Fund Project:
罗成翼 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
谭甜甜 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1167
全文下载次数: 653
English Summary:
      Nuclear terrorism, as a new trend of terrorist activities in contemporary society, mainly refers to that non-state behaviour subjects especially terrorists attempt to utilize nulcear mateiral, facilities and even nuclear weapons to jeopardize the peace and safety of the world. Its primary forms include releasing dirty bombs, attacking nuclear power plants or facilities, making simple nuclear explosive device themselves and stealing and even detonating nuclear weapons. However, single country has not been capable of tackling this severe issue anymore. Hence, the conception of global governance is urgently needed in putting forward new countermeasures to prevent and govern the nuclear terrorism. From the new perspective of global governance, this paper analyses the global values, governance subjecsts and objects, international regulations and governance effects, then puts forward effectual and specific measures to prevent and govern the nuclear terrorism in accordance with the multiformity of subjects, the concertedness of actions and the systematicness of governance, which are fostering a global value of tackling nuclear terrorism, making full use of all subjects'advantages and establishing global mechanism to take joint actions.
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