The Inspection of Rules for the Effect of Contract
中文关键词:  合同生效    未生效合同    法定申请义务    即时履行
English Keywords:validation of contract  ineffective contract  statutory application obligation  immediate performance
Fund Project:
彭熙海 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
贾韶琦 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 1175
全文下载次数: 619
English Summary:
      Different from traditional contract effectiveness theory, contract now does not take effect upon the validation of the contract, but becomes legally binding while being established. Both paragraph 2 of Article 44 and Item 5 of Article 52 specified in Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China are the induced clauses; the violation of the former is prescribed by the latter as the inclusive evaluation; by comparison, the latter is far superior to the former in terms of standardizing goal attainment and function achievement, and therefore is sufficient to replace the former. The independence of statutory application obligation has become the key to solving the vicious cycle-“the contract shall not come into force until being approved and the obligation of the submission for approval will not be performed if the contract does not take effect”. In the contract with suspensive conditions and beginning period, contract performance does not mean the requirement for immediate performance, and its effect will not vanish as the parties involved reach an agreement on the non-immediate performance. The suspensive conditions or beginning period agreed by the parties involved cannot decide the effect of contract performance, and their true intention is to legally evade the legal responsibilities arising from the non-immediate performance of contractual obligations.
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