Analysis of Impact of Chinese Household’s Culture Consumption
中文关键词:  文化消费  影响因素  协整分析  脉冲响应分析
English Keywords:culture consumption  impact factor  cointegration analysis  impulse function analysis
Fund Project:
严成樑 中央财经大学 经济学院,北京 海淀 100081 
雷小钧 中央财经大学 经济学院,北京 海淀 100081 
摘要点击次数: 1181
全文下载次数: 766
English Summary:
      Using the data from the period of 1983 to 2012, this paper explores the influence of income, education, financial development and government culture expenditure on Chinese household’s culture consumption. Cointegration analysis shows that, education and financial development have positive effect on Chinese household’s culture consumption, with the education level increases by 1%, household’s culture consumption will increase by 0.454%; and with the financial development increase by 1%, household’s culture consumption will increase by 0.363%. The influences of income and government culture expenditure on household’s culture consumption are insignificant. Impulse function analysis shows that the impact of income on culture consumption changes from positive to negative, education and financial development have positive effect in short run, whereas government culture expenditure has negative effect. Based on the results derived from the empirical analysis, we give policy implications for how to increase Chinese household’s culture consumption.
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