The Transmutation of Causality and the Alternation of Nature’s Fate
中文关键词:  因果观    自然    轴心时代    近代科学  
English Keywords:causality  nature  the axial age  modern science  
Fund Project:
付高生 中国人民大学 哲学院,北京 100872 
摘要点击次数: 1494
全文下载次数: 710
      人类是一种具有因果观的存在者,这种因果观经由人的意向性介入了人化自然的实践行为,从而在人化自然的行为中扮演了必要条件的角色。从纵向的人类史视角看,人类发生了从轴心时代的整体因果观向近代科学的动力因因果观的嬗变;伴随这种因果观嬗变的是,人对待自然的态度发生了从关心、照料及守护自然到轻视、奴役及剥夺自然的转变, 人与自然的关系发生了从整体性关系到对抗性关系的转变。这一方面揭示出,因果观的代际嬗变参与了自然命运的代际更迭;另一方面启示着,重铸因果观不啻为改变近代自然危机的必要条件。重铸当代的和谐因果观,实质是为扭转人化自然的奴役行为实现观念上的先行革命,最终在实践上促进人与自然的和谐相处。
English Summary:
      Human Beings are a kind of beings containing causality. The causality gets involved in the practice of humanizing nature by man’s intention so that it plays a necessary role in the practice. From the fore-and-aft history perspective, the society has gone through the transmutation from causality of wholeness in the axial age to causality of effective cause in the modern scientific view; along with the transmutation, there happens other two changes:one is the change of the attitude how man treats nature from taking care of the nature to plundering nature, the other is the change of relationship between human beings and nature from whole relationship to adverse relationship. The fact shows that, on one hand, the transmutation of causalityis involved in the alternation of nature’s fate; on the other hand, rebuilding contemporary causality is a necessary choice to promote modern natural crisis. Rebuilding contemporary harmonious causality is an essentially prior revolution of view, which is ready for changing the practice of slaving nature and finally realizes the relationship that human lives harmoniously with nature.
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