罗 迪 江.耶夫·维索尔伦的整体主义意义生成观疏论[J].,2015,16(6):116-120
Exploration of Jef Verschueren's View of Meaning Generation of Holism
中文关键词:  整体主义  意义语境观  意义意向观  意义生成观
English Keywords:holism the view of meaning context the view of meaning intentionality the view of meaning generation
Fund Project:
罗 迪 江 (广西科技大学 外国语学院广西 柳州 545006) 
摘要点击次数: 1093
全文下载次数: 1124
English Summary:
      Verschueren's view of meaning Generation of holism opposes all forms of single-dimension research paradigm and is dissatisfied with research methods of meaning at present.This view of meaning has cleared up explanatory dilemma of the view of meaning context and the view of meaning intentionality which was investigated by single-dimension cause-effect paradigm and individualism's way of thinking.It has proposed that meaning should be interpreted from the perspective of multi-dimension cause-effect paradigm and has realized the integration of holism and generalization, which gives us important theoretical meanings and new insights into the research of meaning.
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