郑 丽 清.无因管理制度的溯源与继受[J].,2015,16(6):88-92
The Resource and Inheritance of the Negotiorum Gestio System
中文关键词:  罗马法 无因管理 准契约
English Keywords:Roman Law negotiorum gestio quasi contract
Fund Project:
郑 丽 清 (福建师范大学 法学院福建 福州 350108) 
摘要点击次数: 968
全文下载次数: 966
English Summary:
      Negotiorum gestio system,which started from Roman Law,has a long history.Through resetting the concept of negotiorum gestio and combing the trajectories of the negotiorum gestio system since the Roman Law,we can find that the negotiorum gestio system had different degree of inheritance and development in Latin countries,European countries and Anglo-American law system countries.In order to reduce the loss of personal and social,the administrator interfere in the affairs of others.The negotiorum gestio embodies the helpful virtues,and deserves a society's affirmation and encouragement.
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