王 斌 林.民法性质民法实践之间对应关系研究[J].,2015,16(6):82-87
Research about Corresponding Relations Between Nature of Civil Law and Practicing of Civil Law
中文关键词:  民法性质  民法实践  民法的生活性  民法的自治性
English Keywords:the nature of civil law the practicing of civil law the life of civil law the autonomy of civil law.
Fund Project:
王 斌 林 (南华大学 文法学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 996
全文下载次数: 1091
English Summary:
      There are many corresponding relations between the nature of civil law and the practicing of civil law .The nature of civil law will certainly get full display in the practicing of civil law .The practicing of civil law has profound brand of the nature of civil law.There are multi-way and multi-level corresponding relations between the life of civil law and the open practicing of civil law 、the autonomy of civil law and the flexible practice of civil law,the nature of civil law and the autonomous practicing of civil law,the origin of civil law and the emotion practicing of civil law,the integrity of civil law and the comprehensive practicing of civil law.
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