The Weapon Supply of the National Government to the Eighth Route Army During the Anti-Japanese War
中文关键词:  国民政府  八路军  抗战  军械
English Keywords:national government the Eighth Route Army Anti-Japanese War ordnance
Fund Project:
崔军锋,杨丽平 (河北大学 历史学院,河北 保定 071002) 
摘要点击次数: 954
全文下载次数: 1365
English Summary:
      This article mainly discussed the weapon supply of the national government to the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War.According to the original agreement,the Eighth Route Army has the equal right with the National Revolution Army,their treatment should be the same as the other nationalist army.However,in fact,the national government rarely provided weapons to the Eighth Route Army in addition to the necessary ammo,the pay and clothing.With the development of the Eighth Route Army,Chiang Kai-shek was more and more concerned about its mightiness.In 1940,he stopped the replenish of ammunition to the Eighth Route Army,and stopped giving out medical supplies and military expenditures before long.Although the national government negatively offered less ordnance supplement to the Eighth Route Army,these weapons and equipment are greatly helpful to them at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War.Through discussion of this problem,on the one hand,we can understand the second cooperation between CPC and KMT from one aspect.On the other hand,we can also understand how the CPC was strengthened in the difficult situations,and achieved the success in the end.
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