邓灵斌,邵 军.改进蚁群算法在合肥市包河区果蔬配送中的应用研究[J].,2015,16(6):23-28
Application of Improved and Colony Algorithm in the Baohe District of Hefei city Distribution of Fruits and Vegetables
中文关键词:  路径问题  改进蚁群算法  果蔬配送
English Keywords:routing problem improved ant colony algorithm fruit and vegetable distribution
Fund Project:
邓灵斌,邵 军 (南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1047
全文下载次数: 993
English Summary:
      Routing optimization must be considered in the process of transportation.Reasonable paths can save time and improve the working efficiency at well.So ant colony algorithm and its improved algorithm are introduced with their superiority to solve the problem in distribution routings with the reality that residents' demand for fruits and vegetables in Baohe area are under a state of rapid development.Based on finding the optimal path,the solutions of two algorithms are compared to find out the shortest path.The results illustrate the necessity of solving the distribution routings of fruits and vegetables in Baohe area,and also show that the algorithms are adaptive in a new environment.
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