苏 华.湖南省农业科技竞争力的提升与对策——基于中部六省的比较分析[J].,2015,16(6):18-22
The Promotion and Countermeasure of Agricultural Science and Technology Competitiveness in Hunan Province——Comparative analysis of the six provinces of central China
中文关键词:  农业科技竞争力  评价指标  主成分分析  湖南省  比较分析
English Keywords:agricultural science and technology competitiveness  evaluation index  principal component analysis  Hunan province
Fund Project:
苏 华 (南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1158
全文下载次数: 948
English Summary:
      In this paper,we construct the evaluation index system of agricultural science and technology competitiveness,which includes four aspects and forty-nine indicators.The main components analysis and regression curves are used to analyze the level of agricultural science and technology competitiveness and the evolution trend of six provinces of central China(Anhui,Henan,Shannxi,Hubei,Jiangxi,Hunan).The results show that the competitiveness of agricultural science and technology of Hunan province is second only to Henan,some indicators are low such as internal R & D funding,agricultural technicians,number of patent application (invention).Finally,we recommend some suggestions about agricultural science and technology policy,personnel training and technology system services.
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