陈祖展,李 晟.当代乡土审美语境中的农村环境艺术设计[J].,2015,16(5):118-121
The Rural Environmental Art Design in the Context of Contemporary Vernacular Aesthetic
中文关键词:  乡土审美  农村人居环境  美丽乡村  环境艺术设计
English Keywords:local aesthetic rural living environment beautiful country environmental art design
Fund Project:
陈祖展,李 晟 (南华大学 设计与艺术学院湖南  衡阳  421001) 
摘要点击次数: 962
全文下载次数: 1019
English Summary:
      Environmental art design is an important means to improve the quality of rural residential environment,and realize the "beautiful country". Under the dual impact of the strong development of the globalization and the city, rural areas in Ecological Dilemma and aesthetic misunderstanding, thousands of villages "appearance" and urban and rural cultural homogenization phenomenon is serious, local traditional aesthetic context faces a challenge. Rural environment art design should learn the experiences and lessons of the city, to Contemporary Peasants for the aesthetic subject, it is necessary to respect the farmers to pursue the vision of material life, reflect not only the spirit of the times, but also inheritance of native culture and spirit, to maintain the regional characteristics, retain nostalgia.
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